Pentatonic Magic

Guitar Concepts - Pentatonic Magic (2/365) 

By Chad Ellis    

Guitarists can easily hit a wall when it comes to growth. The best advice I was ever given was to keep discovering new music and to talk to other musicians and pick their brain for new inspiration. Today I would like to discuss a cool guitar concept that will keep you busy for a bit! I am taking for granted that you have already mastered your minor pentatonic scales and understand basic music theory. (If you do not please continue to check back here and I will write about that in a later blog.)    

Today's concept will help break the soloist out of the basic minor pentatonic pattern that we all have grown to love. Let's take an Am chord for example. Most beginning guitarist will solo using an A minor pentatonic scale. There is nothing wrong with this. If you want to add a little more color to the sound try using both the A minor and B minor pentatonic scale to your solo. What those notes will give you is the 6th degree and the 9th degree in your solo.    

Now what if you are over a C minor chord? You can use C minor and D minor. In other words try the root pentatonic with the other pentatonic scale one full step up from the root.    

#guitar #recording #music #losangeles #hollywood 

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